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About dbt source command

The dbt source command provides subcommands that are useful when working with source data. This command provides one subcommand, dbt source freshness.

dbt source freshness

If your dbt project is configured with sources, then the dbt source freshness command will query all of your defined source tables, determining the "freshness" of these tables. If the tables are stale (based on the freshness config specified for your sources) then dbt will report a warning or error accordingly. If a source table is in a stale state, then dbt will exit with a nonzero exit code.

You can also use source freshness commands help make sure the data you get is new and not old or outdated.

Configure source freshness

To configure source freshness in dbt:

  • Add a freshness block to your source in the .yml file.
  • Specify warn_after and error_after thresholds.
  • Include loaded_at_field for each table.
  • Use the dbt source freshness command to check freshness.

version: 2

- name: jaffle_shop
database: raw

warn_after: {count: 12, period: hour}
error_after: {count: 24, period: hour}

loaded_at_field: _etl_loaded_at

- name: customers

- name: orders
warn_after: {count: 6, period: hour}
error_after: {count: 12, period: hour}
filter: datediff('day', _etl_loaded_at, current_timestamp) < 2

- name: product_skus
freshness: null

This helps to monitor data pipeline health.

You can also configure source freshness in the execution settings within your job in dbt Cloud. For more information, refer to enabling source freshness snapshots.

Selecting source freshnessSelecting source freshness

Specifying sources to snapshot

By default, dbt source freshness will calculate freshness information for all of the sources in your project. To snapshot freshness for a subset of these sources, use the --select flag.

# Snapshot freshness for all Snowplow tables:
$ dbt source freshness --select "source:snowplow"

# Snapshot freshness for a particular source table:
$ dbt source freshness --select "source:snowplow.event"

Configuring source freshness output

When dbt source freshness completes, a JSON file containing information about the freshness of your sources will be saved to target/sources.json. An example sources.json will look like:

"meta": {
"generated_at": "2019-02-15T00:53:03.971126Z",
"elapsed_time": 0.21452808380126953
"sources": {
"source.project_name.source_name.table_name": {
"max_loaded_at": "2019-02-15T00:45:13.572836+00:00Z",
"snapshotted_at": "2019-02-15T00:53:03.880509+00:00Z",
"max_loaded_at_time_ago_in_s": 481.307673,
"state": "pass",
"criteria": {
"warn_after": {
"count": 12,
"period": "hour"
"error_after": {
"count": 1,
"period": "day"

To override the destination for this sources.json file, use the -o (or --output) flag:

# Output source freshness info to a different path
$ dbt source freshness --output target/source_freshness.json

Using source freshness

Snapshots of source freshness can be used to understand:

  1. If a specific data source is in a delayed state
  2. The trend of data source freshness over time

This command can be run manually to determine the state of your source data freshness at any time. It is also recommended that you run this command on a schedule, storing the results of the freshness snapshot at regular intervals. These longitudinal snapshots will make it possible to be alerted when source data freshness SLAs are violated, as well as understand the trend of freshness over time.

dbt Cloud makes it easy to snapshot source freshness on a schedule, and provides a dashboard out of the box indicating the state of freshness for all of the sources defined in your project. For more information on snapshotting freshness in dbt Cloud, check out the docs.

Source freshness commands

Source freshness commands ensure you're receiving the most up-to-date, relevant, and accurate information.

Some of the typical commands you can use are:

dbt source freshnessChecks the "freshness" for all sources.
`dbt source freshness --output target/source_freshness.jsonOutput of freshness information to a different path
dbt source freshness --select "source:snowplow"Checks the "freshness" for specific sources